Mirion SOR/RF LCD Radiation Detector Dosimeter
The SOR/RF Electronic Dosimeter represents a substantially increased EMI resistance over the SOR-R and SOR-T product lines. It has been enhanced to exceed the EMI interference requirements of MIL STD-461/810. This small and rugged dosimeter can be used in the battlefield, as well as in various international missions where low level radiations (LLR) performance is needed.
Environmental Characteristics:
- Meets MIL-STD-810 & MIL-STD-461 requirements
- NATO Number 6665 14 563 9423
- Complies with IEC 1283, ANSI 42-20 & NATO D104
- Qualified by most NATO military laboratories
- Resistant to EMP, EMC and radars
- Resistant to water immersion, drops, shock, vibration, low pressure, initial conditions and NBC environmental conditions
Radiological Characteristics:
- Hp(10) dose equivalent measurements
- Flash gamma dose measurement: 5 cGy to 10 Gy
- Ambient gamma dose measurement range: 1µGy to 10 Gy
- Gamma dose rate measurement range: from background to 10 Gy/h
- Gamma dose rate display: from 1 or 10 µGy/h to 10 Gy/h
- Saturation indication (above 10 Gy/h)
- Energy response:
- < +/- 20 % in the range 60 keV to 2 MeV
- < +/- 50 % in the range 2 MeV to 6 MeV
Functional Characteristics:
- Redundant architecture with passive measurement components
- Selectable units: cGy; cGy/h; mSv; mSv/h: mrem; mrem/h
- 4 configurable dose and dose rate alarm levels
- Typical one year lifetime with standard battery
- User selectable display modes
- Periodic exhaustive self-testing including the detector
- Battery fault pre-alarm (16 h) and alarm
- Historical record of measurements and events (750 steps; 10 s; 1 min, 10 min; 1 h; 24 h)
Radiation meters are a special purchase item to address the needs of our customers and are non-refundable, with the exception of products that are not functioning due to manufacturer defects. Replacement for defective items must have trouble-shooting performed by our technical department prior to RGA approval.